Do I need thermal clothing for my winter sports?

Thermal clothing

The sun is shining and you are sitting outside with your cup of coffee on the terrace at the top of the slopes. A lovely warm feeling! The next day, the weather forecast is a little less good. It's going to be freezing and cold! Of course you can go to a café to warm up, but if you wear thermal clothing, this is not necessary as thermal clothes will keep your body warm and regulate the heat.

Thermo clothes not only keep you warm but they also absorb sweat so your body stays dry. When skiing you can use a three layer system. The name gives it away but there are three types low, absorbing sweat, insulation and water and windproof.

Layer 1:

This is your winter sports thermal clothing. You wear this as the first layer after your underwear. This layer allows sweat to be absorbed and keeps your skin dry.

Layer 2:

This is an intermediate layer, think for example of a ski jersey. This layer insulates your body further and passes your sweat to the outside.

Layer 3:

Finally you put on your ski pants and / or ski jacket. This last layer protects you from wind, cold, rain, etc.

All these layers ensure an optimal skiing experience. You wear thermal clothing not only in the cold but also when it is a bit warmer. Thermal clothing tries to keep your body temperature at the right level.  It is therefore difficult to say at what temperature you should start wearing thermal clothing. We recommend you to wear it the first day of skiing and see if you are comfortable with the temperature. If you feel warm quickly, then wear your thermal pants for example, but not your thermal shirt. You can easily play with it and see what you feel comfortable with. Always take thermal clothing with you to your skiing vacation because nothing changes as quickly as the weather!

Besides your thermal clothing, it is important that your ski wear fits well and is suitable for the weather conditions. When buying thermal clothing make sure that you look for women and men thermal clothes as there is a slight difference in the design.

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